College of Pharmacy Students Conclude Internship at Al Ain Hospital

College of Pharmacy Students Conclude Internship at Al Ain HospitalTwelve students from the AAU College of Pharmacy who have received their hospital and clinical pharmacy internship at Al Ain Hospital, delivered in their final presentations in the attendance of Dr. Khairi Moustafa, Dean of the College of Pharmacy, as well as a number of faculty members at the college of Pharmacy. In attendance was also the CMO representative at Al Ain Hospital; the CME manager, Dr. Ghazala Balhaj; the Head of Academic Affairs, Dr. Mouza Al Sabousi; the Chair of the Pharmaceutical Institute, Dr. Mahmoud Abu Mandil; and a number of pharmacy preceptors who supervised the training program at the hospital.

The presentations showed the students’ skills in presenting and discussing the latest pharmacotherapies guidelines which they have acquired during their training at Al Ain Hospital.

 Addressing the attendees, Dr. Mahmoud Abu Mandil, the Chair of the Pharmaceutical Institute at Al Ain Hospital, expressed his appreciation of the students’ efforts during the internship program and added that this group of AAU College of Pharmacy students was highly qualified and has conducted the training in a very efficient manner.

On his part, Dr. Moustafa expressed the College of Pharmacy’s great appreciation to the support Al Ain Hospital Administration has provided during the internship stages and thanked the Chair of the Pharmaceutical Institute, Dr. Mahmoud Abu Mandil and his team for their unflagging efforts and cooperation in the internship program. The event represented an opportunity to discuss future cooperation between Al Ain Hospital, the Pharmaceutical Institute, and the AAU College of Pharmacy, Dr. Moustafa added.


Categories: AAU

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